<- Overview

Finally our new UI is released

Now, 2 months after the beta release of our new web UI, we are proud to announce the first final release, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards creating a seamless user experience. Over the course of these two months, we have diligently gathered invaluable feedback from our dedicated users, allowing us to refine and enhance the platform to meet the diverse needs of our audience.

Plan.Work.Simple With this final release, we have addressed the reported issues, incorporated numerous feature requests, and fine-tuned the interface to ensure unparalleled performance and responsiveness. Our team of talented developers and designers has worked tirelessly to deliver a product that not only meets industry standards but also sets new benchmarks in web UI design.

With a beta release spanning not only Scandinavia but multiple countries worldwide, we witnessed an overwhelming surge in adoption during the beta phase. The positive reception from our users has been truly humbling and has fueled our drive to push the boundaries even further. Introducing innovative functionalities, we empower our users to accomplish their tasks with unprecedented ease. This enthusiastic response has become the driving force behind our relentless pursuit of excellence in delivering an exceptional web UI experience.

From the initial concept to this final release, the journey has been a collaborative effort. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our beta testers and our entire user base for their valuable contributions. Your feedback has been the backbone of our development process, guiding us towards creating an interface that resonates with your preferences and requirements.

As we step into this new phase, we are committed to continually enhancing the platform, introducing regular updates, and integrating cutting-edge technologies to stay at the forefront of the industry. Our vision is to create a web UI that is not just a tool but a delightful experience that sparks creativity, productivity, and efficiency.